Supporting positive outcomes for orphaned or underaged kittens

2023 was an eventful year for Frogtown Fosters! Taking in over 200 kittens, our fosters were busy raising these tiny bundles for their new families. Of the kittens taken in, 60% were found and 19% were transferred in from other organizations. Over the course of the year we celebrated 152 adoptions!
Kittens orphaned or separated from mom have a lower survival rate. The mortality rate in kittens orphaned prior to 12 weeks is 15-40% ( Hoskins JD. Veterinary Pediatrics: Dogs and Cats from Birth to Six Months, ed 2, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1995.) For 2023, Frogtown's mortality rate was 18%. We always encourage keeping kittens with their mothers as long as possible for their best chance of survival. But in the event that is not possible, Frogtown Fosters is here to help.